astrology: understanding your sun sign

I’m not an expert on astrology, but it’s definitely something I’ve majorly delved into over the past couple years.

Learning where the celestial beings fall in your natal chart, a snapshot of the sky at the exact time and place you were born, can help understand who we are and what we want so we can make authentic choices and build the life we are destined to create.

The sun sign represents our core identity. As Jennifer Racioppi shares in her book Cosmic Health (huge resource and inspiration for me):

“Your sun sign gives you an expansive framework to work with as you grow and evolve. Knowing the ins and outs of your sun sign also highlights the nuances of your overall life path as well as your journey toward health and genuine, fulfilling self-expression.”

My sun sign is Taurus and I have proudly repped the bull for a long time. But often times when I read about Taurus traits and tendencies, much of the description doesn’t resonate. It’s not me.

So that’s the deal? With the sun in this earth sign and a new moon in Taurus for a few more hours, I figured now was a good time to dive into the topic of relating to our signs (or not.)

Your sun sign reflects your character and also highlights your strengths and the areas of life that you may run into challenges.

Let’s consider Taurus. So much more than stubborn bull vibes. (But there is that, too.) It’s a very stable, grounded sign that manifests its earth energy by connecting to nature and routine whenever possible.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and loves a life of luxury. Work hard, play hard, and then book yourself a beachfront vacation to treat yourself after both. Vacation - my favorite word.

Here’s where else I am a quintessential bull:

I’m in a way better mood when nature is being incorporated into my life. Hiking decreases my anxiety and even just going for a walk elevates my mood and level of creativity.

As I get older it’s more & more important for me to be comfortable and treat myself after all my hard work…few things bring me more joy than a pedicure or nice dinner out with a decently priced bottle of wine. (And I will always come straight home to my furry slippers.)

I’m persistent. (Ask the prospects that I am constantly bugging in my sales job.) It might not be a linear process, but I will always finish what I have to.

One of my best qualities as a family member or friend is that I’m loyal AF. We won’t argue often; I’m typically level headed and it takes a lot to make me mad. However, if an issue gets bad enough, hat’s when the wrath is released. Or better yet, someone messes with someone I care about; I will be happy (or really pissed off) to jump in and offer some supportive rage.

But there’s a lot about this sign that quite frankly, I’m just not good at.

For example, I am bad with routine. It’s hard for me to commit to doing the same things the same way every day. However, I’ve noticed that the aspects of my life where I am thriving the most, are, in fact, locked into a routine.

I’ve taught early morning yoga classes for four years and I never miss them. I easily wake up at 4:30 or 5:30am and happily head to the mat to teach a group of people that know I will be there and I will be prepared.

Funnily enough, if I don’t have something planned after that class, the day completely loses momentum. But if I have a meeting or a deadline, the day continues to flow and my energy keeps up with the rest of the things I need to accomplish.

I’m also not a slow and methodical human being. Like I said, I’ll get shit done, but I’ll do it weird iterations and/or leave it until the very last minute so I stress myself out just enough and beastmode through.

This pretty specific insight into my cosmic constitution has inspired me to continue to enforce my strengths and also shown me what I can do to make life a little more authentic and a lot more efficient.

So, I’ve come to see my Taurus status as something to live up to. Here are some questions I’ve been asking myself to try and tap into this new knowledge:

Where can I specifically insert more of a routine into my life?

What about my morning yoga routine has been easy to stick to? Can I use that same process to create new routines in my day?

Where can I slow down? Are there any processes I have been trying to rush? Healing, learning, projects, phases of my life? Once identified, how can I devote more time & energy to each aspect so that I’m not hurrying through?

What do you know about your sun sign? Does your personality mostly match up with the essence of this particular zodiac sign? Are you shocked to find that you are being so correctly described, or maybe not at all…or maybe there are some features that you vibe with and others you don’t?

I am fascinated when I look at one friend and laugh at how she could not be more of a tried and true Gemini…and then at a handful of Aquarius friends that all strike me as different people and signs.

But - it all makes sense when you realize that the where your sun is located on the moment you were born is a very small piece of our cosmic curriculum.

Did you know that there are way more astrological powers at play than just your sun sign? It’s actually been overwhelming to me to find that the moon and every planet affects our mood, energy, emotional state and destiny.

AND, there’s one huge placement I haven’t mentioned yet: the ascendant, or rising sign. The sign that was ascending up the eastern horizon during the moment of your birth. Our rising sign is what lights us up…and in turn, the parts of us that have the potential to light up the world.

Stay tuned for my newfound, cherished connection with my rising sign and why I decided to name my yoga business after this magical placement in my chart.

I’m always learning - thanks for doing it with me!


childlike mindfulness